Hi, I’m Victoria.

I want black women to feel confident and valued.

I’m an entrepreneur, painter, and curator with a vision for creative women to feel powerful; and let go of all the limiting thoughts holding us back from going all out and showing up. 

Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago by two immigrant Ghanaian parents. They taught me everything I know about having a strong work ethic and how to go after my dreams.



In 2011, I felt lost after receiving my BFA in painting. 

To figure out my next move, I traveled on a solo trip to Ghana for ten months to paint. 

This trip transformed my life. I returned with new confidence and clarity. I knew immediately that I wanted to get an MFA in curatorial practice to put more black art into the world. After receiving my degree, I curated shows and designed youth workshops for a couple of years. Over the the next five years I worked at a nonprofit visual art youth center as a Coordinator to support hundreds of artists in their professional development.



In 2019, I launched the Kindred Creatives Collective because I was looking for a tribe of black women artists to connect with. I also wanted to learn business strategies from other baddies who had successfully transitioned from artist to a creative entrepreneur. I joined masterminds, took online classes, and searched the web for clues, but mostly struggled to figure it out on my own. I had a breakthrough when I created my own tribe. I realized the power and need for black women creatives to connect. The collective aims to bring like minds together to share resources, knowledge, and insights to make our journey easier.


My core value is collaboration over competition. I’m constantly learning from other creatives, and sharing what I discover with my community. 

I’m driven by my pursuit for diversity and gender equality in the arts.

Through the Kindred Creatives Collective, I challenge the belief that being a women artist of color is not practical or sustainable. My goal is to widely share and promote the incredible work and success of black women creatives. 

The world needs your creative genius.

Thank you so much for taking the time to come into my world!


